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Jamestown Fish! – Top 100 Best Wine Restaurant!

fish 2We love Jamestown Fish.  As the name implies, it is a restaurant on the island of Jamestown, in Rhode Island, and it specializes in Fish.  Actually, more like seafood in general, but the name is very descriptive none the less.  This is a great place for lunch in the summer, a late afternoon bite or cocktail, a romantic dinner, etc, etc, etc.  Executive Chef and Wine Director Matthew MacCartney does a great job, and you’ll find the cuisine here world class but unpretentious.  Matthew is likely to stop by and say hello during dinner service, and is always ready to discuss his menu and the wine.

Imagine our delight when we were reading through the August issue of Wine Enthusiast, and saw the single restaurant they recognized in the State of Rhode Island for being one of the Top 100 Best Wine Restaurants in the United States.  You guessed it – Jamestown Fish!  The Wine Enthusiast lauds the restaurants expansive list, low markup and willingness to open pretty much anything if the guest commits to half a 3

We’d say we told you so, but we won’t.

We’re looking forward to our next visit.  It is definitely worth a visit.

Jamestown Fish
14 Narragansett Avenue
Jamestown, Rhode Island 02835

Congratulations Matthew!

A votre santé!


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