Now it’s time for the Top Ten White Wines from the recent Savor CT event. The whites showed very well over the weekend, and there were many worthy choices from all over the world. Most of the wines on this list are good values at very reasonable prices. As always this is just our opinion
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The second annual Savor CT event, a celebration of wine, food and spirits, unfolded in early April in Hartford, CT. It was an all around spectacular weekend, and you can read more about it by clicking here. The two+ day event features wines from around the world, great (and we mean great) food, lots of
Continue reading Top Ten Red Wines from the 2016 Savor CT Event: a Celebration of Wine, Food and Spirits
Last year the inaugural Savor CT event was held in Hartford, CT and received rave reviews (and not just from us!). They were all justified, and you can read our review of last year’s events by clicking here. This past weekend the second annual version unfolded, and we were there for everything to see if
Continue reading Savor CT 2016 – Another Great Weekend of Wine and Food
Mountains have a way of keeping pieces of themselves remote, tucked away from everyday life. In these places the days go by as they always have, sun and rain, hot and cold, soil and rock. The higher places on earth like to look down in solitude.
When it comes to wine, vineyards worldwide have reached
Continue reading Capturing the Spirit of the Mayacamas Mountain Vineyards with Capture Wines
A while back we reviewed a variety of wines from Valentin Bianchi. Across the board they were impressive, and you can read more about that by clicking here. One wine we did not include in that review was their high end red blend, the Enzo Bianchi. The great people at Quintessential Wines (see their website
Continue reading High End – Red Wine Blend from Argentina and Valentin Bianchi
We’ve been looking at some of the producers in the Touraine, along the Lorie River in France. Until now it has been a white party, with Chenin Blanc taking center stage and some excellent Sauvignon Blanc joining in. You can follow links to the previous articles in this series at the bottom of this page.
Continue reading Back to France Part 4 – Reds from Chinon and Domaine Grosbois
For the third part of our evolving look into French wine, we travel backwards a tiny bit and find ourselves once again in Vouvray, in the middle of the Touraine. This is Chenin Blanc country, which can take many forms. To get an appreciation for some of the breadth possible with this grape we turn
Continue reading Back to France Part 3: Vouvray (Again) and the Wines of Vincent Carême
We recently took an in-depth look at the wines from the Mendoza region of Argentina and Valentin Bianchi (you can read about that by clicking here). That prompted us to look for a producer in the other major wine making country in South America: Chile. Chile and Argentina share a long border formed from the
Continue reading A Look at Chile Through the Wines of Vina Koyle
We’re going to be taking a virtual wine tour of France for a while here at Red Wine Please!, and the first installment featured some excellent Vouvrays. For this article we travel just a bit east of Vouvray, still along the river, to the commune of Montrichard. We also switch grapes, from the Chenin Blanc
Continue reading Back to France Part 2: Touraine Sauvignon Blanc from Domaine Paul Buisse
When I first started to get seriously into wine some twenty years ago, the wines of France were instrumental in igniting the passion. There were several reasons for this. One was that they have always had a reputation of being the best. Names like Bordeaux and Burgundy are known to all, even those not interested
Continue reading Back to France Part 1– The Loire Valley, Vouvray and the Wines of Clos du Gaimont