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Quality Prosecco from FIOL

As with any wine, Prosecco comes in the full range of quality.  This one is definitely on the high side.

FIOL was created by three lifelong friends from Treviso in the Veneto region of northeast Italy.  They went their separate ways pursuing careers from New York to Hong Kong, then reunited in their beloved Italy to create this winery.  Working with wine making families around Treviso they source the best grapes and take painstaking care in the production of the Prosecco and Procecco Rosé.

Awarded Prosecco Producer of the Year in both 2021 and 2022 at the New York International Wine Competition, FIOL is clearly highy regarded.  We can understand why.

Wine:    2021 FIOL Rosé Prosecco

Winery Location:  Veneto,  Italy

Tasted By:  Neil            Date:  August 2024   

Tasting Notes: This is made with 85% Glera, the traditional grape in Prosecco, as well as 15% Pinot Noir.  Color is a pretty, light pinky salmon.  This has tons of fine bubbles, looking more like Champagne really.  Aromas of peach, strawberry and tangerine come across in the fruit forward nose.  That fruit carries to the palate, and into a long, clean finish.  This is quite delightful.

Price Point –   SRP of $22

Would We Buy It?   Yes – this is a super high quality Prosecco worthy of a holiday table, or anytime else for that matter.

This is about as good as Prosecco gets.  We suggest you try it if you get the chance.

A votre santé!


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