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Value Bordeaux from the Excellent 2016 Vintage

We just keep repeating ourselves on this one, but some of the best red wine values you will ever find come from lesser chateaux in great Bordeaux vintages.  2016 was a great Bordeaux vintage, following on the heels of the acclaimed 2015 wines, but likely outpacing them.  We don’t buy much classified Bordeaux, and certainly not from the Premier Cru producers, the best of the best.  Even the top names in the Deuxiemes (2nd level) and Troisiemes (3rd level) can command pretty high prices.  Now journey out into the countryside, maybe the Médoc region on the left bank.  Here many producers turn out wonderful wines, especially in these great vintage years.  Values abound in this region where Cru Bourgeois wines are made.  Here is one.

Wine:    2016 Chateau Livran

Winery Location:  Médoc, Left Bank, Bordeaux

Tasted By:  Neil & Cheri            Date:  July 2024   

Tasting Notes: very dark purple toward black in color, showing no sign of age after 8 years from harvest.  The nose is classic left bank, with dark cassis and berry fruit, some bramble, oak and a touch of herbs.  It is full bodied on the palate and rich.  A long finish caps it off.  This is excellent wine from a great vintage in Bordeaux.

Price Point –   $20

Would We Buy It?  yes we did, and would buy more.  Classic Bordeaux, great vintage, value price.  Can’t beat that.

It’s a bit of a broken record I know, but you can find some outrageous values in the Cru Bourgeois wine of the Médoc, as well as the regions on the right bank not named Pomerol or St. Emilion.  Look to the great vintages to really ramp up the value.

A votre santé!

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